Thursday, August 20, 2009

Lil' Heebs

So, the 2009 summer camp production of Fiddler on the Roof was a smashing success. The kids totally looked like little Russian Jew folk from a century ago. The 9 yr old who played the lead even had a thick, unintelligible Russian accent that made up for the fact that he didn't understand most of the play's content. (Pogrom? L'Chaim? Reb Tevye? Actually, that last one was his character's name.) Seriously, this was probably the worst possible choice that could have been made for a summer camp play, IF the intention was for the kids to have any fun at all. But, they did a great job nonetheless, were pretty cute, and convincingly jewy. I feel like this play choice was a cheap shot. Anyway, it's over, and I'll be home tomorrow. YESSS

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

A Short House Update

So I haven't posted in a while. We had a party for Boydo's birthday Saturday night which was pretty fun. Power hour was hosted by none other than DJ Swallow the Roach. And while it may not have been the most successful power hour - the prizes were pretty top notch. D. Hughes walked away with a football hacky sack. What more can I say? Oh and plenty of hot dogs were eaten and a lot of Mountain Crest was drank.

The house communication outlets (internet, cable and phone) are now set up so expect a party line.

Now for the question of the week. Which would you rather see in our backyard - a trampoline, baby pool or mini ramp?